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Exclusive invitation to a futures simulation

Sitra is hosting a 5-day simulation of a possible future ahead of WCEF2024. This experience is limited to 100 forum registrants.

Many people still see the circular economy as a synonym to recycling. However, truly circular lifestyles go beyond recycling and use more services instead of owning things. While working towards this future, how many of us can vividly imagine what a world without glorifying the accumulation of “stuff” would look and feel like?

If you are interested in foresight and want to gain first-hand experience of an experiential foresight method, this simulation might be just for you.


During a 5-day experiential futures simulation from 8 to 12 April, participants will have a chance to experience a possible future experimenting with a national circular lifestyle experiment in 2027. The future scenario is written from the perspective of a nation where most people have accumulated more stuff than they actually need.


Daily prompts will lead participants to explore their own and fellow participants’ unique responses to the scenario.


By joining you will have the chance to take part in an exclusive, fun and inspiring learning journey and experience the magic of collective imagination. Experiential foresight methods allow us to:

  • Imagine a different future.
  • Develop psychological flexibility, or the ability to recognise that anything could be different in the future.
  • Build realistic hope.
  • Create agency to take intentional action today towards the future you want.

Are you ready for a 5-day journey into the year 2027?

Thank you to all who responded, we are overwhelmed as the simulation “sold out” within 2 hours from sending the invitation email. Registration is now closed as the 100 participants quota is full.

Please enlist only if you are able to commit 15 minutes daily from 8 to 12 April.