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Insects-based solutions for a circular bioeconomy

The session will present innovative ways to biodegrade waste using insects and larvae. In Serbia, experiments were made to biodegrade plastic, mainly styrofoam, using the brood mother of Tenebrio molitor larvae. In South Africa, black soldier fly larvae were tested for reducing organic waste. Both larvae also provide alternative protein-rich animal feed. In Lesotho, laboratory experiments validated the merit of using tsie-balimo (‘elegant grasshoppers’) as a natural insecticide. Join this session to learn and exchange experiences about insect-based solutions for a circular bioeconomy and discuss further research proposals.

Organisers: UNDP Serbia, in partnership with other UNDP Country Offices 

For more information, please contact Ana Mitić-Radulović ( or Milica Grahovac (   

Please note that all accelerator sessions require separate registration.

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