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Experts available for interviews

  • Kari Herlevi (, Head of Global Collaboration unit for sustainability solutions, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. He is a multi-skilled circular economy and sustainability expert, who has been a key player in Finland’s journey to a circular economy. Kari is also a member of many international circular economy networks and institutions.
  • Mika Sulkinoja (, Senior Specialist, the Circular Economy, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Mika has been leading the planning and organising of the World Circular Economy Forum and Sitra’s other international work for many years. He has a solid understanding of circular economy trends and developments.
  • Tim Forslund (, Specialist, Sustainability Solutions, Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Tim is a visionary circular economy specialist who has lately focused on the potential of a circular economy to halt biodiversity loss.
  • Janez Potočnik ( or, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel. Among other roles, he is partner at Systemiq and advisor to thought-leading institutions such as the European Forest Institute. Previously, he was European Commissioner for the Environment.
  • Hans Bruyninckx (, lead co-ordinating author of the International Resource Panel’s flagship report, the Global Resources Outlook 2024. He is the Former Executive Director of the European Environment Agency. His expertise is in European and international environmental policy, the effects of globalisation on the governance of environmental issues and sustainable development.
  • Marvin Nusseck (, Senior Strategist, Circle Economy Foundation. Marvin is leading the finance team and is an expert on circular finance.
  • Matthew Fraser (, Head of Research and Development, Circle Economy Foundation. Matthew is the lead author of the global Circularity Gap Report
  • Esther Goodwin Brown (, Head of Strategic Initiatives, Circle Economy. Esther is an expert on the just transition and putting people at the centre of circular economy.
  • Anne Vasara (, Ambassador, circular economy and green transition, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland. She is a diplomat with more than 30 years of experience in different diplomatic functions in Europe, the United States, Africa, OECD, Council of Europe, WTO and the European Union.
  • Taina Nikula (, Senior counsellor, Ministry of the Environment, Finland. Taina has vast experience in creating and implementing national circular economy road maps, strategies and other policy measures in Finland.
  • Malena Sell-Myllyoja (, Specialist, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland. She is a leading specialist in circular trade and foreign policies including the international trade regime.
  • Yoni Shiran (, Partner, Systemiq. He leads the plastics and packaging work of Systemiq. He advises senior leaders across industry, governments, multi-lateral organisations, innovators, civil society and the financial industry on their plastic and packaging strategy, and how to transform to a circular plastic system.