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Recommended readings

This section provides links to already published articles and relevant reports, articles and tools by Sitra and partners for inspiration and further investigations:

Reports and articles by Sitra

Reports by Circle Economy Foundation

Reports by United Nations and International Resource Panel

Reports by Systemiq

  • Unlocking a reuse revolution: scaling returnable packaging. A reuse revolution is critical to tackling the plastic waste and pollution crisis: this study offers insights and recommendations to design and scale returnable packaging and make that revolution a reality. This study shows how a reuse revolution can combat the plastic crisis. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Systemiq, Eunomia 2023)
  • Towards Ending Plastic Pollution by 2040: 15 global policy interventions for systems change. The report presents a set of 15 global policy interventions towards ending plastic pollution. If universally adopted and supported by a set of common global rules in the international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, these policies could cut annual volumes of mismanaged plastic waste by 90% and virgin plastic use by 30% by 2040 relative to 2019 levels. (Systemiq, Nordic Council of Ministers 2023)
  • Efficient and balanced space use: shaping vibrant neighbourhoods and boosting climate progress in Europe. This white paper considers the role of balanced and efficient use of urban space in making high-quality urban living accessible to more people, while optimising the resource efficiency of urban hubs, minimising their emissions and waste, and boosting climate adaptation. (Systemiq, Laudes Foundation 2022)
  • Critical raw materials for the energy transition in the EU: How Circular Economy approaches can increase supply security for raw materials. The EU is committed to the clean energy transition. This will require significant amounts of raw materials to create the infrastructure for electrification and clean energy production. This study highlights the importance and the opportunities for circular economy approaches to enable this transition. It demonstrates the increased resilience that can be gained in the context of ongoing geopolitical crises (Systemiq 2022)
  • International System Change Compass. The climate, biodiversity and pollution crises demand global solutions. The report argues that the European Green Deal can only succeed if it’s linked to green transitions worldwide and creates new international relationships. The report calls for a “system change in international relationships” could work, and invites the EU to “step up and build true partnerships with the low-income countries and the most vulnerable states” (Club of Rome, Systemiq, the Open Society European Policy Institute 2022)

Reports by others

  • Circular Economy: connecting the dots between Climate Change, Resilience, and Opportunities in Africa. When discussing climate change and its impact on Africa, the general narrative often focuses on the continent’s growing vulnerability to its negative effects. However, a panel discussion held alongside COP28 in Dubai introduced a more positive perspective. The discourse on Advancing Circular Economy for Climate Resilience in Africa concluded that Africa has the potential to become a center of opportunity in tackling climate change. The event was co-hosted by the African Development Bank through the Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA). (AfDP 2023)
  • The Nordic circular economy playbook 2.0 is a step-by-step toolkit for companies on how to successfully transform and scale their circular business. Tailored to manufacturing companies, the playbook is your guide to circular business models. (Nordic Innovation 2022)
  • The report Circular business models in the Nordic manufacturing industry – Current status and development provides a status update, definitions of the circular economy and an assessment of the maturity level of today’s circular business models. It also highlights the barriers of scaling circular business models and unfolds a set of recommendations for inspiring policy levels and organisations to continue and improve the framework and efforts around circular business models in the Nordic countries. (Nordic Innovation 2023)
  • Data sharing for a circular economy in the Nordics maps out the current landscape of data sharing for the circular economy in the Nordics, as well as the future potential and opportunities that follow. Based on insights from interviews and survey responses from Nordic organisations, the report identifies barriers and enablers to an accelerated transition towards the use of data sharing for circularity, and the role Nordic and international policies can play in this. It also presents recommendations for the implementation of pilot projects. (Nordic Innovation 2021)